Efficient serialization of Torch models

How to save smaller Torch models by removing unwanted fields.

Posted by Jakub Kvita on January 29, 2016

Basic Torch provides methods for writing model to a file and reloading it together with serialization/deserialization methods.

torch.save(filename, object [, format, referenced])
torch.load(filename [, format, referenced])


These methods are as simple as it gets and can process any Torch object, which is excellent. However nn models contains several fields, which are used during training, but are not necessary while saving. This causes the files to be unnecessary large. What can we do about that?

Deleting unwanted data in nn modules

Modules from nn package are relatively simple and can be processed manually. Usually they contain three types of fields:

  • weight and bias – fields we need.
  • gradWeight and gradBias – fields, which can be deleted after training.
  • output and gradInput – fields, which are usually not required to keep.

Unwanted fields of the module can be reduced by creating Tensor of same type with no dimensions:

data = torch.Tensor():typeAs(data)

If your models are small, you can do it by hand for every module, but this is usually not an issue for models that small.

Larger models can be processed by function, for example similar to the recursive one here, or by the net-toolkit package.

Modules from rnn package

Reducing recurrent modules from rnn can be quite tricky, as they contain several different fields and, most importantly, shared clones. Use Serial decorator from dpnn package to deal with it easily.

First, model has to be decorated and type of serialization (light, medium, heavy) need to be specified. These options align nicely with three types of fields from before. heavy, which is default option in Torch, saves everything, medium is recommended to use during training and light can be used for models in production, as it keeps only weights and biases.

dmodule = nn.Serial(module, [tensortype])
dmodule:lightSerial() __OR__ dmodule:mediumSerial() __OR__ dmodule:heavySerial()

Regular Torch save and load methods can be used to process the decorated model. No tweaks are required in this part.